Thursday, October 13, 2011

Shh, It's Lillie-Belle - Don't Tell!


Lillie-Belle is an ultimate snuggler.  Regular snuggling and cuddling is just not enough for Lillie-Belle.  She needs to sleep smashed against my side, or draped across my chest.  Or best of all, beneath the covers.

Often I find that Lillie-Belle has somehow gotten under the covers and is in a most precarious position that negates my being able to move an inch.  One minute she's somewhere on my bed, and the next she is deeply embedded under the covers.  I don't see her do it, I don't hear her do it, I don't feel her do it.  But somehow she does it.

So LB snuggles quietly, softly beneath the covers, and I sound asleep beside her.  Until the quiet is pierced by a Twink or a Little Mess, looking for their own sleeping spot, bounding across the bed toward a coveted spot by my side and landing squarely upon LB.

I want to say at that moment - shh - it's just Lillie-Belle.  But the other cats wouldn't hear me over the shrieking and caterwauling.

And when the dust settles, Lille-Belle stealthily sneaks back under the covers.  Don't tell, she seems to be saying to me - they'll find out when they step here.

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