Presenting Penelope! Penelope is the epitome of sweetness, a soft cream colored lovely who sits wishfully at her kennel gate, hoping against hope that today is her lucky day. Penelope has a quiet gentleness and wants only to be someone’s special friend. But Penelope also knows how to have a good time in the play yard - she loves to play! Will you be Penelope’s special friend?
contact harborfriends@gmail.com

Impound No. A1251558
German Shepherd & Pit Bull TerrierSpayed Female
2 Years, 7 Months Old
Weight: 40-lbs.
Impound Date: 4/14/12

957 N. Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 548-2632 or (213) 485-8789

957 N. Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 548-2632 or (213) 485-8789

What a beautiful dog!!