Memories - lovely to have them, but better yet when they're accompanied by photos.
How many of us get that "money shot" of our pets for a Christmas card or screen saver, and then put the camera away? Once satisfied we have taken the perfect photo, do we take candid photos throughout the year?
We should. Pets, whether they be dogs, cats, bunnies or snakes, are often here today, gone tomorrow. We don't like to think about it, but it's true. Make sure you have lots of photos to remember all your loved ones, in all stages of their lives and in all their goofy glory, whether in the precocious puppy or senior stages of life.
Not long ago a friend lost a beloved elderly pet. She was surprised to find that, although she thought she took many photos over the years, she actually had few photos and the ones that she had were framed in a Christmas card.
You don't need an expensive camera - just click away with your cell phone if need be. Make a cheesy on-line photo album or music video. There are plenty of free websites (see links below) that let you get creative and celebrate your pet at the same time.
Memories - have them in your heart - and at your fingertips.
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