A new Top Ten list is posted every Monday. If you have a suggestion for a Top Ten, send it to petpurri@gmail.com. If we use your suggestion we'll send you a prize!

2. Morning breath won't be an issue (theirs is usually worse).
3. Their feet aren't cold (no, cuz they're furry).
4. It doesn't matter if you snore.
5. A furrry friend will never have to jump up and rush off to work.
6. They [usually] don't hog all the covers
7. Your furry friend will often gaze into your eyes and confirm that
you are wonderful.
8. You will almost never be refused a spooning.
9. They don't get jealous if you spoon with others (whether the
4-legged or 2-legged variety).
10. Your furry friend won't ruin the spoon moment by saying
something stupid.
(Spooning = Cuddling)
And if you aren't lucky enough to have at least one furry friend with which to spoon, visit your local shelter and adopt! There are many seniors in need who are quite experienced in the art of spooning.

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