I used to love fireworks, especially as a kid. A lot of people still love fireworks and who can blame them. Fireworks can be beautiful and spectacular.
But, when I hear fireworks now, I think of only one thing. How many more dogs will be at the shelter tomorrow because their owners didn't know enough or didn't care enough to protect them from their fears?
The thing is, when there are fireworks, dogs don't need to suffer, they don't need to spend the night trembling and shaking with fear. There are many things you can do to help your pet cope with the noise and stress of fireworks (see below). And if all else fails, see your veterinarian. Perhaps medication will help get your pet through the night. And the most important thing of all is to keep your pets safe and secure, in your home.
Most city and county shelters routinely do more euthanizing before Holiday weekends (to make space for incoming dogs) and after Holiday weekends (why aren't all these dogs reclaimed?) on which there will be fireworks. You'd be surprised how many pets still don't have ID and/or aren't microchipped (a good idea in case the collar comes off).
Dogs versus fireworks. Dogs lose.