Typically I will awaken quite early to any number of things: Twink smashed against my side-head-thigh or leg, Little Mess and Opie growling at each other from opposite ends of the bed, Puck laying on my pillow above my head and purring like a locomotive, and/or Darwin causing a calamity opening cupboards and knocking things around once inside.
Of course this is all because, from watching the way they all run around the cat dishes once I'm out of bed, they obviously haven't eaten in years. Twink is especially obnoxiously loud, running to and fro and here and there in a frenzy until she is fed. Umm, Twink, looked in a mirror lately?
And Puck wails like a banshee .... he of the 20-lbs. So on a Saturday morning, when I should be snuggled up in bed with my sweet dreams, I am forced to journey to the kitchen and conjure up breakfast for the felines. Well, then of course the dogs must be fed as well.
Sweet dreams, indeed.

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