Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lillie-Belle's Swell

Lillie-Belle is one of those really swell cats.  In fact she's so swell she's known by several names - Little Button, Little Bean, or just plain LB.

Lillie-Belle almost never stops purring.  She purrs while she eats, she purrs while she drinks, she purrs while she sleeps. She purrs while she purrs.  And loudly!  I sometimes have to turn the tv up so I can hear it over the purring.

As far as getting along with the others, cats yes (except for Little Mess, probably jealous of her looks), dogs no. Lillie-Belle does not do dogs. 

I've always thought Opie has a mad cat crush on LB.  Silently he watches her, stealthily he follows her, even stalks her.  There is an old-fashioned genteel charm about Lillie-Belle, almost a prissiness.  She's always thought she was just a little bit better than the others.  Not in a snobby way, just a knowing way.

You can just tell, Lillie-Belle's swell.

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