What is it about the sweet silent serenity of midnight, the beautiful bliss of 2 A.M., that causes my cats to think "Hm mm, this just might be the right time to gather under mom's bed and fight?" What makes my cats think that 2 A.M. is the perfect time for ear-splitting caterwauling? Do they not think that I, too, would occasionally like to enjoy that activity which they do in abundance, that activity being sleep ....
At times the under-the-bed cat fights are foreshadowed by ominous growling which I am unable to curb with my words. I must climb out of bed and poke around beneath my bed with a souvenir hockey stick. Not my favorite witching hour activity.
Other times it seems the cats stumble upon each other accidentally in the dark, and a shrieking match ensues ... right beneath my once-dozing head.
The odd thing is, my cats all get along fine during the day and early evening. There are no day fights, no afternoon fights, this is strictly a nighttime hobby. In fact they are often sleeping together on top of my bed.
Sweet dreams? If only ...

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